01 Apr 2022
Our Faculty Member’s European Union Project was Selected Good Practice Example
The European Union project titled I-BEE-VR conducted by ITU Department of Electrical Engineering faculty member Prof. Dr. Lale Tükenmez Ergene was completed successfully.
News: İTÜ Media and Communication Office
“Immersive Business and Engineering English in Virtual Reality: A tool for the Sustainable Mobility of the Skilled Workforce in the EU” project carried out with the partnership of Istanbul Technical University (ITU), University of Vienna, École Centrale de Lille, Pedagogical University of Krakow, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Pandora AR VR and ITU Alumni Association within the framework of Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education was completed successfully and was selected as good practice example by the European Commission. Director of the School of Foreign Languages Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nilüfer Ülker, School of Foreign Languages instructors Dr. Şehkar Fayda Kınık, Hande Yalınateş Koşar, İmge Şahin Girtten, Fatma Betül Akpınar and Bekir Şerifoğlu, and Faculty of Computer and Informatics Res. Asst. Çağatay Koç participated in the project as researchers.
I-BEE-VR, a 3-year-long Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education project that was given a grant of 259,672 Euros by the Turkish National Agency in 2018, aims to prepare prospective engineers for professional life in multinational workplaces by increasing their professional English language competence with virtual reality applications that reflect the work environment as realistically as possible, and to support sustainable international skilled workforce mobility and employment. The curriculum developed in the project, which aims to identify the business English needs of engineering professionals in multinational workplaces and to prepare a virtual reality-based interactive learning environment that will provide a common curriculum and lifelike experiences accordingly, is a pioneer in its field in terms of being based on a comprehensive and multinational needs analysis, being prepared in international cooperation and having a wide variety of different experiences in the business environment that provide the students with the closest experience to the real environment and activities.
For details of the project, you can visit the project website or the European Union Erasmus+ Project Results platform.