28 Apr 2022
ITU is in top 20 in the world in two goals of the Sustainable Development Goals this year!
Istanbul Technical University is on the 18th place in the world in “Quality Education” and 20th place in “Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure” in Times Higher Education (THE) 2022 Impact Rankings. ITU became the 1st in Turkey in the General rankings.
News: İTÜ Media and Communication Office
ITU is at the top in world rankings
The world’s leading higher education rankings institution Times Higher Education (THE) published its research results on seventeen fundamental problems of the world and the Sustainable Development Goals as their solutions proposed by the United Nations.
According to THE’s rankings, in the list that evaluates around 1,400 universities worldwide, ITU is on the 18th place in the world in the 4th goal titled “Quality Education”. ITU had a great achievement by being on the 20th place in the world rankings in the 9th goal titled “Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure”.
While ITU was on the 48th place in “Quality Education” in 2021, it showed great success and rose 30 rows to the 18th place in the world rankings this year. Likewise, while ITU was in the 24th place in “Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure” last year, this year it is on the 20th place. Moreover; ITU made a great progress and entered the top 100 in the 6th Goal titled “Clean Water and Sanitation”, 8th Goal titled “Decent Work and Economic Growth” and the 15th Goal titled “Life on Land”.
Great progress in 2022
According to the impact rankings of Times Higher Education (THE), while ITU’s general score last year was 78.4 as a result of the measurement of adaptation process to “Sustainable Development Goals” among world universities, this year it made a great progress and rose to a score of 87, 5. ITU had a significant achievement with this rise in the rankings.With Times Higher Education’s Impact Rankings, ITU once again showed its difference by demonstrating that it undertakes national and international tasks in raising awareness, producing solutions and taking action on the main problems of the world, in addition to scientific studies.
Besides “Quality Education” and “Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure” areas in which ITU had the greatest achievement, it took place in the top 100 in a total of five areas and in the top 200 in the average rankings for all the goals. Thus, it continued its progress by being the university from Turkey with the best rankings in these areas.
We are in top 20 in two goals and in top 100 in a total of five goals
Commenting on 2022 world university rankings, ITU Rector Prof. Dr. İsmail Koyuncu said the following about ITU’s achievement:
“Times Higher Education (THE) 2022 Impact Rankings is an important indicator that evaluates the success of universities worldwide in implementing United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals in terms of their societal, environmental and social development activities. Our University was ranked in high levels in 17 different areas that cover all the headings this year, as it did last year. It showed a great success by being in the top 20 in a total of two headings in the world rankings, in the top 100 in a total of five headings, and in the 101-200 range in the general rankings where all headings are scored together. By being in the top 20 in world rankings in “Quality Education” and “Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure” areas, ITU proved that it is one of the world’s most prestigious universities providing the best education and establishing multifaceted industrial cooperation. We believe that our university’s success will continue with increasing momentum in the coming years.”
What are Sustainable Development Goals?
“Sustainable Development Goals” set by the United Nations involve the objectives determined in fundamental areas such as ending poverty, democratic governance and peace building, climate change and disaster risk, and economic inequality in all the world. Sustainable development goals are: no poverty; zero hunger; good health and well-being; quality education; gender equality; clean water and sanitation; affordable and clean energy; decent work and economic growth; industry, innovation and infrastructure; reduced inequalities; sustainable cities and communities; responsible consumption and production; climate action; life below water; life on land; peace, justice and strong institutions; partnerships for the goals.
SDGs were set in by the United Nations in January 2016 and it is aimed to make significant progress in the seventeen goals by 2030. UN supports governments to integrate Sustainable Development Goals into their own development plans and policies through the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) formed for managing the seventeen goals. Acting as the development agency of the United Nations, UNDP carries out activities in over 170 countries and regions.
