05 Jun 2024

Sustainable Land Use in the Arctic

ITU Department of Environmental Engineering faculty member Prof. Dr. Orhan İnce became the scientific coordinator and research leader of the Russia-based TerrArctic Project. With this project, Prof. Dr. Orhan İnce and his team aim to develop sustainable land use in the Arctic.

News: İTÜ Media and Communication Office

Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Department of Environmental Engineering faculty member Prof. Dr. Orhan İnce became the scientific coordinator and research leader of the TerrArctic Project carried out by Tyumen State University with the contributions of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. With this project, field research will be performed to trace the transformations caused by climate change in the Arctic.

The TerrArctic Project, which focuses on developing sustainable land management practices in the Arctic to mitigate the effects of climate change, will include interdisciplinary research to explore the complex interactions between nature and human systems, thereby increasing opportunities for research and knowledge exchange among Arctic stakeholders.

According to Prof. Dr. İnce, who is working with a team of 60 people for the project aimed at clarifying the carbon cycle in the soil and vegetation of Western Siberia, the scientific results to be obtained will play a role in informing policy decisions, guiding land use planning, supporting protection efforts, and expanding the scientific literature on Arctic ecology and environmental management.

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